Murder mystery parties – A killer fundraiser

Are you looking for the ultimate fun-draiser? Then why not host a murder mystery party where your guests will be immersed in an evening of treachery, murder, blackmail, intrigue and back stabbing.

Not only is a murder mystery party great fun, but its a fantastic opportunity to raise funds for Young Heroes.

So just how can you turn a Murder Mystery Party into a fundraiser?

Here we go . . . 

1.     Figure out the logistics of the party you’ll be holding. How many people would you expect? Where will you hold it? In someone’s home, in a rental hall, a restaurant, etc.? Will the meal be catered or prepared by friends / volunteers?

2.     Decide on a theme for your party. Which theme would your guests most enjoy?

Below are a few such ideas.

T’was the death before Christmas

Death at the Distillery

Mardi Gras masquerade murder

Mayhem at the Movies

Midnight malice

The mama mia murder

A corporate murder

Another one bites the dust

A killer reunion.

3.     Set the date.

4.     Create a budget for the event.  Outline all of the expenses: game cost, food, other rentals, prizes etc.  The expenses should equal 30% or less of the total funds raised.

5.     Based on the expected cost of the event, set a ticket price.  Remember that guests will know that this is a charitable event.  Plus, this is also more that just a dinner, it’s a party!  Most will be willing to pay higher than they normally would for just dinner at a restaurant.

When setting ticket prices, also think about what will be included in the ticket.  Do you want to have a cash bar separate? Is the dessert extra? Will there be a silent auction? These ‘extras’ could boost the funds raised for Young Heroes and effect the price that you want to charge for the entry ticket.

6.     Finally, plan all the details that into a party…decorations, invitations, tickets, costumes.  This is the fun part, be creative!  Get RSVPs from your invitees and call everyone to remind them about the event.

7.     Enjoy your dinner and murder mystery party!

Posted in Fundraising Ideas.